Autoimmune Diseases tagged posts

Immunotherapy Eliminates Disease-causing Cells in Mice with MS-like Disease

Successful cancer treatment approach extended to autoimmune disease. Researchers have shown that the cancer therapy known as CAR-T can be applied to multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease of the nervous system. The findings extend the powerful tool of immunotherapy to autoimmune diseases, a class of diseases that are often debilitating and difficult to treat.

The cancer therapy known as CAR-T has revolutionized treatment of some blood cancers since it was introduced in 2017. The therapy uses genetically altered immune cells to home in on cancer cells and destroy them.

Now, studying mice with an autoimmune disease similar to multiple sclerosis (MS), researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St...

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New Enzyme Inhibitor shows Promise for Treating Cancers, Autoimmune diseases

Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago have found a small molecule capable of manipulating an immune process that plays an important role in cancers and autoimmune diseases.

Their discovery is reported in an Angewandte Chemie paper titled “Discovery of the First Selective Nanomolar Inhibitors of ERAP2 by Kinetic Target-Guided Synthesis.”

They discovered the molecule — and enzyme inhibitor — after first studying how the immune system works and why some diseases can be resistant to treatments.

“Tumors have the ability to present cell-surface markers in the form of non-self peptide antigens, or neoantigens, which renders them exquisitely sensitive to recognition and elimination by T-cells, a form of immune cells that kill tumor cells upon recognition of neoantigens,” ...

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How Sugar Promotes Inflammation

Expression of GLUT3 on activated T cells. GLUT3 (green) is localised on the cell surface, the mitochondria (violet) and the nucleus (blue) were also shown. Photo: AG Väth (Image: AG Väth)

People who consume sugar and other carbohydrates in excess over a long period of time have an increased risk of developing an autoimmune disease. In affected patients, the immune system attacks the body’s own tissue and the consequences are, for example, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, type 1 diabetes and chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland.

New targets for therapy

The underlying molecular mechanisms that promote autoimmune diseases are multilayered and complex...

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All gas, no brakes: Testosterone may act as ‘Brake Pedal’ on Immune Response

In doing so, a researcher has found it could protect men from stomach inflammation. Autoimmune diseases have something in common with horses, bachelor’s degrees and daily flossing habits: women are more likely to have them.

One reason for autoimmune diseases’ prevalence in women may be sex-based differences in inflammation. In a new study, West Virginia University researcher Jonathan Busada investigated how sex hormones affect stomach inflammation in males and females. He found that androgens — or male sex hormones — may help to keep stomach inflammation in check.

“Stomach cancer is primarily caused by rampant inflammation,” said Busada, an assistant professor in the School of Medicine and researcher with the Cancer Institute...

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