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Avalanche statistics suggest Tabby’s Star is near a continuous phase transition

Tabby's Star in infrared (2MASS survey) and ultraviolet (GALEX).

Tabby’s Star in infrared (2MASS survey) and ultraviolet (GALEX).

In its search for extrasolar planets, the Kepler space telescope looks for stars whose light flux periodically dims, signaling the passing of an orbiting planet in front of the star. But the timing and duration of diminished light flux episodes Kepler detected coming from KIC 846852, known as Tabby’s star, are a mystery. These dimming events vary in magnitude and don’t occur at regular intervals, making an orbiting planet an unlikely explanation. The source of these unusual dimming events is the subject of intense speculation: from asteroid belts to alien activity.

Now a team of scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign suggest the luminosity variations may be intrinsic to the star itself...

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