axonal damage tagged posts

Scientists Identify Spark Plug that Ignites Nerve cell Demise in ALS

A soft, gel-like substance called myelin envelopes the axons of neurons to shield them from damage. In ALS, the protective sheath is gradually stripped off, leaving axons bare, exposed and vulnerable to damage. Harvard Medical School researchers have identified a key instigator of this process.

A soft, gel-like substance called myelin envelopes the axons of neurons to shield them from damage. In ALS, the protective sheath is gradually stripped off, leaving axons bare, exposed and vulnerable to damage. Harvard Medical School researchers have identified a key instigator of this process.

Scientists have identified a key instigator of nerve cell damage in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. Researchers say the findings of their study may lead to new therapies to halt the progression of the uniformly fatal disease that affects more than 30,000 Americans. One such treatment is already under development for testing in humans after the current study showed it stopped nerve cell damage in mice with ALS.

The HMS study reveals that the aberrant behavior of an enzyme called RI...

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