B cell tagged posts

Why Protecting the Brain Against Infection Takes Guts

Confocal micrograph showing the superior saggital sinus in the mouse. Immune cells are shown in green lining this tube, and blood vessels in red
Confocal micrograph showing the superior saggital sinus in the mouse. Immune cells are shown in green lining this tube, and blood vessels in red
Credit: Zach Fitzpatrick

The brain is uniquely protected against invading bacteria and viruses, but its defence mechanism has long remained a mystery. Now, a study in mice, confirmed in human samples, has shown that the brain has a surprising ally in its protection: the gut.

The brain is arguably the most important organ in the body, as it controls most other body systems and enables reasoning, intelligence, and emotion. Humans have evolved a variety of protective measures to prevent physical damage to the brain: it sits in a solid, bony case — the skull — and is wrapped in three layers of watertight tissue known as the meninges.

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