Bacteria-killing Protein tagged posts

Newly identified Bacteria-killing Protein needs Vitamin A to work


Skin microbiota induces epidermal RELMα, which kills bacteria via membrane disruption
RELMα-deficient mice have altered skin microbiota and are more susceptible to infection
Dietary vitamin A is required for RELMα expression
RELMα is required for vitamin-A-dependent resistance to skin infection

People who have inadequate vitamin A in their diets are more susceptible to skin infection, yet how that vitamin affects skin immunity has been unclear. In a study published today, UT Southwestern researchers shed some light on that mystery by identifying a previously unknown bacteria-killing protein on the epidermis that requires the vitamin to work.

The researchers found that one protein in the resistin-like molecule (RELM) family – RELMα – acts as an antibiotic to rapidly kill...

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