Bacteroidetes tagged posts

Probiotic company finds Links between Youthful Gut Microbiota and Potential Centenarians

Probiotic company finds links between youthful gut microbiota and potential centenarians
Comparisons of microbial compositions between baseline and follow-up. (a) aPCoA of the Bray‒Curtis distance plot for baseline and follow-up after adjusting for hypertension, medication use, and alcohol and tea drinking. (b) α-Diversity differences between baseline and follow-up for stratified health statuses (HB, n = 21; HF, n = 15; LHB, n = 19; LHF, n = 27). (c) Composition of the gut microbiome at the phylum level between baseline and follow-up for stratified health statuses. (d) LEfSe between baseline and follow-up stratified by health status (two-sided Kruskal‒Wallis test between classes; P < 0.05, LDA > 2). Healthy baseline (HB, n = 21), healthy follow-up (HF, n = 15), less healthy baseline (LHB, n = 19) and less healthy follow-up (LHF, n = 27) samples were examined...
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Dried plums can reduce risk of colon cancer, research shows

Dr. Nancy Turner directed the lab team doing the research on health benefits of dried plums. (Texas A&M AgriLife Research photo)

Dr. Turner’s lab team, most of who are shown here, were instrumental in the research relating to the health benefits of dried plums. (Texas A&M AgriLife Research photo)

A diet containing dried plums can positively affect microbiota, also referred to as gut bacteria, throughout the colon, helping reduce the risk of colon cancer, researchers report. According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. when men and women are considered separately, and the second-leading cause when the figures are combined. During 2015, colon cancer is expected to cause about 49,700 deaths nationwide.

“Our research explored the potential cancer-protective properties of dried plums using a well-established rat model of colon cancer,” she sai...

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