BanLec tagged posts

Could a Drug Engineered from Bananas Fight many Deadly Viruses? New results show promise

Could a drug engineered from bananas fight many deadly viruses? New results show promise

By studying the banana lectin molecule (top left) and what made it bind to both viruses and immune system cells (bottom left), the team was able to figure out how to change the way cells bind it, to make a new version (top right) that still binds viruses but doesn’t cause inflammation (bottom right). Credit: University of Michigan

The process used to create the virus-fighting form may help scientists develop even more drugs, by harnessing the “sugar code” that our cells use to communicate. That code gets hijacked by viruses and other invaders. The new research focuses on a protein called banana lectin, or BanLec, that “reads” the sugars on the outside of both viruses and cells...

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