BESSY II tagged posts

Graphene on the way to Superconductivity

The bandstructure in a double layer of graphene was scanned by ARPES at synchrotron light source BESSY II. Credit: HZB

The bandstructure in a double layer of graphene was scanned by ARPES at synchrotron light source BESSY II.
Credit: HZB

Scientists have found evidence that double layers of graphene have a property that may let them conduct current completely without resistance. They probed the band structure at BESSY II with extremely high resolution ARPES and could identify a flat area at a surprising location.

In April 2018, a group at MIT, USA, showed that it is possible to generate a form of superconductivity in a system of two layers of graphene under very specific conditions: To do this, the two hexagonal nets must be twisted against each other by exactly the magic angle of 1.1°. Under this condition a flat band forms in the electronic structure...

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Dentin Nanostructures: A ‘Super-Natural’ Phenomenon

Dentin's biological structure: tubules and mineral nanoparticles are embedded in a network of collagen fibers. Credit: Jean-Baptiste Forien, © Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Dentin’s biological structure: tubules and mineral nanoparticles are embedded in a network of collagen fibers. Credit: Jean-Baptiste Forien, © Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Why it is superior to any synthetic filling material at making teeth last. Dentin is one of the most durable biological materials in the human body. Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin were able to show the reason for this can be traced to its nanostructures and specifically to the interactions between the organic and inorganic components...

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