bexarotene tagged posts

Researchers identify ‘Neurostatin’ that may Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Schematic illustration of the drug discovery strategy described in this work. The strategy consists of four steps: (1) A fragment-based approach that allows the identification of small molecules that interact with the aggregation-prone system, here Aβ42, including FDA-approved molecules for drug repurposing. (2) An in vitro kinetic analysis that identifies the specific molecular steps in the Aβ42 aggregation mechanism responsible for the generation of toxic species. (3) A further kinetic analysis to determine the mechanism of inhibition associated with the molecules identified in step 1. (4) An evaluation of the effects of these molecules on the formation of toxic species in vivo. In particular, the inhibition of primary nucleation is predicted to delay the aggregation without affecting the total number of oligomers generated by the aggregation process, whereas inhibiting elongation or secondary nucleation is predicted either to increase or to decrease the number of toxic oligomers, respectively (see text).

Schematic illustration of the drug discovery strategy described in this work. The strategy consists of four steps: (1) A fragment-based approach that allows the identification of small molecules that interact with the aggregation-prone system, here Aβ42, including FDA-approved molecules for drug repurposing. (2) An in vitro kinetic analysis that identifies the specific molecular steps in the Aβ42 aggregation mechanism responsible for the generation of toxic species. (3) A further kinetic analysis to determine the mechanism of inhibition associated with the molecules identified in step 1. (4) An evaluation of the effects of these molecules on the formation of toxic species in vivo...

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Tiny Drug-Laden ‘Popping bubbles’ lead Triple Attack Rx for Liver Cancer

 Bexarotene prodrug in nanobubble form is inserted directly into the tumor using a flexible catheter. Ultrasound ablation therapy to 'pop' the bubbles to release the agent. Credit: University of Illinois

Bexarotene prodrug in nanobubble form is inserted directly into the tumor using a flexible catheter. Ultrasound ablation therapy to ‘pop’ the bubbles to release the agent. Credit: University of Illinois

A novel method for repositioning an FDA-approved anti-cancer compound has been discovered, which allows it to specifically target liver cancer tumors. A ‘triple attack’ technique combining chemotherapy, thermal ablation, and hyperthermia provided a highly targeted, yet minimally invasive approach.

“In this study, we re-purposed the topical agent bexarotene (Targretin®) – currently in limited use for cutaneous manifestations of T-cell lymphomas – and re-engineered it for use in solid tumor applications by forming self-assembling nanobubbles,” explained Assistant Prof. Dipanjan Pan...

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