BiFeO3 (bismuth ferrite) tagged posts

Scientists explain how the giant Magnetoelectric Effect occurs in Bismuth Ferrite

The spin cycloid structure in BiFeO3. Credit: MIPT press-office

The spin cycloid structure in BiFeO3. Credit: MIPT press-office

Electromagnetic effect allows to control magnetic ‪polarization of a material by applying external electric field. Materials with such properties may be used to develop a new generation of ultra-energy efficient‪ computer memoy . A team proposed a theoretical model that explains the unexpectedly high values of the linear magnetoelectric effect in BiFeO3 (bismuth ferrite) that have been observed in a number of experiments and also suggested a way of further enhancing the effect.

One particular feature of bismuth ferrite is that in bulk samples, spins of Fe3+ iron ions are arranged in the form of a cycloid. This spin structure can be destroyed by a strong magnetic field or mechanical stress...

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