big data tagged posts

Researchers Demonstrate 3D Nanoscale Optical Disk Memory with Petabit Capacity

High-capacity data storage is indispensable in today's digital economy. However, major storage devices like hard disk drives and semiconductor flash devices face limitations in terms of cost-effectiveness, durability, and longevity.Read More

Magnetic ‘hedgehogs’ could Store Big Data in a Small Space

Magnetic patterns that are similar to a hedgehog’s spikes could lead to more efficient — and larger-scale — data storage, a new study has found.
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New study reveals a zoo of magnetic patterns at the atomic scale. Atomic-scale magnetic patterns resembling a hedgehog’s spikes could result in hard disks with massively larger capacities than today’s devices, a new study suggests. The finding could help data centers keep up with the exponentially increasing demand for video and cloud data storage.

In a study published today in the journal Science, researchers at The Ohio State University used a magnetic microscope to visualize the patterns, formed in thin films of an unusual magnetic material, manganese germanide...

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Making Big Data Processing more Energy Efficient using Magnetic Circuits

lateral inhibition magnetic processing
Maximized Lateral Inhibition in Paired Magnetic Domain Wall Racetracks for Neuromorphic Computing

New research finds that magnetic wires, spaced a certain way, can lead to a 20-30x reduction in the amount of energy needed to run neural network training algorithms.

The rapid progression of technology has led to a huge increase in energy usage to process the massive troves of data generated by devices. But researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have found a way to make the new generation of smart computers more energy efficient.

Traditionally, silicon chips have formed the building blocks of the infrastructure that powers computers...

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Cosmic barbecue: Researchers spot 60 new ‘hot Jupiter’ candidates

The diagram above shows a hot Jupiter at various phases of its orbit. The sizes of the star and planet and the separations between them are to scale for a typical hot Jupiter. The amount of reflected starlight that is observed depends on the planet's position within its orbit and the inclination of the orbit with respect to the observer.

The diagram above shows a hot Jupiter at various phases of its orbit. The sizes of the star and planet and the separations between them are to scale for a typical hot Jupiter. The amount of reflected starlight that is observed depends on the planet’s position within its orbit and the inclination of the orbit with respect to the observer.

Yale researchers have identified 60 potential new “hot Jupiters” — highly irradiated worlds that glow like coals on a barbecue grill and are found orbiting only 1% of Sun-like stars. Hot Jupiters constitute a class of gas giant planets located so close to their parent stars that they take less than a week to complete an orbit. Second-year Ph.D...
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