bilirubin tagged posts

New Treatment Potential for Heart Attack Sufferers

Bilirubin - Wikipedia

Bilirubin – Wikipedia

Mildly elevated levels of a bile pigment bilirubin may provide natural protection from heart attacks and help to stave off cardiovascular disease. The study shows that when hearts are infused with bilirubin following a heart attack, the pigment reduces damage and improves heart function during recovery.

“This is a very important finding as very few drugs are able to be administered following a heart attack to improve heart function,” says Dr Bulmer. “Generally, if it is a small heart attack people can survive. However there is a 20% mortality rate from heart attack, with approximately 50,000 heart attack sufferers each year in Australia.

“Generally, bilirubin was just associated with people having jaundice; however we have now shown that mildly elevated bilirubin is a...

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