binary black holes tagged posts

Did the LIGO Gravitational Waves Originate from Primordial Black Holes?

Binary black holes recently discovered by the Ligo-Virgo collaboration could be primordial entities that formed just after the Big Bang. Primordial black hole binaries were discussed extensively in the 1990s. However, interest in them waned when observations implied that their number was limited

Binary black holes recently discovered by the Ligo-Virgo collaboration could be primordial entities that formed just after the Big Bang. Primordial black hole binaries were discussed extensively in the 1990s. However, interest in them waned when observations implied that their number was limited

New scenario from Japan offers clues about the early universe. Binary black holes recently discovered by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration could be primordial entities that formed just after the Big Bang. If further data support this observation, it could mark the first confirmed finding of a primordial black hole, guiding theories about the beginnings of the universe.

In February, the LIGO-Virgo collaboration announced the first successful detection of gravitational waves...

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‘Mosh Pits’ in Star Clusters a likely Source of LIGO’s 1st Black Holes

LIGO’s 1st detection of merging black holes ‘perfectly consistent’ with Northwestern model. In a new study, the scientists show their theoretical predictions last year were correct: The historic merger of 2 massive black holes detected Sept. 14, 2015, could easily have been formed through dynamic interactions in the star-dense core of an old globular cluster. These binary black holes are born in the chaotic “mosh pit” of a globular cluster, kicked out of the cluster and then eventually merge into one black hole. This theory, known as dynamical formation, is 1 of 2 main channels for forming binary black holes detected by Advanced LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory).

Colliding black holes do not emit light; however, they do release a phenomenal amount of energy as gr...

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