BIND interface tagged posts

‘Lego-like’ Universal Connector makes Assembling Stretchable Devices a snap

'Lego-like' universal connector developed by NTU Singapore scientists makes assembling stretchable devices a snap
The BIND interface (biphasic, nano-dispersed interface) makes assembly of stretchable devices simple while offering excellent mechanical and electrical performance. Credit: NTU Singapore

An international team led by researchers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has developed a universal connector to assemble stretchable devices simply and quickly, in a “Lego-like” manner.

Stretchable devices including soft robots and wearable healthcare devices are assembled using several different modules with different material characteristics—some soft, some rigid, and some encapsulated.

However, the commercial pastes (glue), currently used to connect the modules often either fail to transmit mechanical and electrical signals reliably when deformed or break eas...

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