bio-inspired technology tagged posts

Scientists create novel ‘Liquid Wire’ material inspired by Spiders’ Capture Silk

Black and yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia). Credit: © leekris / Fotolia

Black and yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia). Credit: © leekris / Fotolia

Secret of always-taut spider threads inspires new material. Why doesn’t a spider’s web sag in the wind or catapult flies back out like a trampoline? The answer, according to new research by an international team of scientists, lies in the physics behind a ‘hybrid’ material produced by spiders for their webs.

Pulling on a sticky thread in a garden spider’s orb web and letting it snap back reveals that the thread never sags but always stays taut – even when stretched to many times its original length. This is because any loose thread is immediately spooled inside the tiny droplets of watery glue that coat and surround the core gossamer fibres of the web’s capture spiral.

The researchers studied the details of thi...

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