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Electricity can flow through Graphene at High Frequencies Without Energy Loss

Dr Shakil Awan, Lecturer in the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics at Plymouth University, said: Our results for the first time not only confirm the theoretical properties of graphene but also open up many new applications of the material in high-speed electronics and bio-sensing Dr Awan (pictured right) uses a Cascade probe station and Keysight Parameter Analyser in the Wolfson Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory in Plymouth

Dr Shakil Awan, Lecturer in the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics at Plymouth University, said:
Our results for the first time not only confirm the theoretical properties of graphene but also open up many new applications of the material in high-speed electronics and bio-sensing
Dr Awan (pictured right) uses a Cascade probe station and Keysight Parameter Analyser in the Wolfson Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory in Plymouth

Now research has shown graphene out-performs any other known material, including superconductors, when carrying high-frequency electrical signals compared to direct current, essentially transmitting signals without any additional energy loss...

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