Biological Clock tagged posts

Circadian Rhythm of Genes in Brain Changes with Aging, research shows

Examination of thousands of genes from nearly 150 human brains shows the circadian rhythm of gene activity changes with aging, according to a first-of-its-kind study conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. It suggest also that a novel biological clock begins ticking only in the older brain.

A 24hr circadian rhythm controls nearly all brain and body processes, such as the sleep/wake cycle, metabolism, alertness and cognition. These daily activity patterns are regulated by certain genes that are found in almost all cells, but have rarely been studied in the human brain. “Studies have reported that older adults tend to perform complex cognitive tasks better in the morning and get worse through the day,” Dr. McClung said...

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How does an Animal’s Biological Clock Wakes it up in the Morning and puts it to sleep at Night?

Sleeping mouse (stock image). "What is amazing is finding the same mechanism for sleep-wake cycle control in an insect and a mammal," said Matthieu Flourakis, the lead author of the study. "Mice are nocturnal, and flies are diurnal, or active during the day, but their sleep-wake cycles are controlled in the same way." Credit: © Iosif Szasz-Fabian / Fotolia

Sleeping mouse (stock image). “What is amazing is finding the same mechanism for sleep-wake cycle control in an insect and a mammal,” said Matthieu Flourakis, the lead author of the study. “Mice are nocturnal, and flies are diurnal, or active during the day, but their sleep-wake cycles are controlled in the same way.” Credit: © Iosif Szasz-Fabian / Fotolia

In studies of fruit flies and mice and the brain circadian neurons governing the daily sleep-wake cycle’s timing, the researchers found that high sodium channel activity in these neurons during the day turn the cells on and ultimately awaken an animal, and high potassium channel activity at night turn them off, allowing the animal to sleep.

“This suggests the underlying mechanism controlling our sleep-wake cycle is ancient,” said Prof...

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