Birth of a Black Hole or Neutron Star tagged posts

Birth of a Black Hole or Neutron Star captured for First Time

A look at The Cow (approximately 80 days after explosion) from the W.M. Keck Observatory in Maunakea, Hawaii. The Cow is nestled in the CGCG 137-068 galaxy, 200 million light years from Earth.
Credit: Raffaella Margutti/Northwestern University

Mysteriously bright glow of this summer’s ‘Cow’ event gained international interest. A Northwestern University-led international team is getting closer to understanding the mysteriously bright object that burst in the northern sky this summer.

On June 17, the ATLAS survey’s twin telescopes in Hawaii found a spectacularly bright anomaly 200 million light years away in the Hercules constellation. Dubbed AT2018cow or “The Cow,” the object quickly flared up, then vanished almost as quickly.

After combining several imaging sources, including ha...

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