Black Raspberries tagged posts

In mouse study, Black Raspberries show promise for reducing Skin Inflammation

A new study shows eating black raspberries reduces skin inflammation associated with allergies in mice.
Photo via Pixabay

Early findings indicate eating the fruit could help with skin allergies

In a study done with mice and published earlier this month in the journal Nutrients, researchers found that a diet high in black raspberries reduced inflammation from contact hypersensitivity – a condition that causes redness and inflammation in the skin.

“A lot of times, treatments are directly applied to the skin – things like steroids,” said Steve Oghumu, senior author on the paper and an assistant professor of pathology at The Ohio State University.

“And it was interesting that the mere consumption of a fruit can achieve the same effects.”

The researchers put a group of mice on a ...

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Looking for the Best Antioxidant Fruit? Search no further than Black Raspberries


As far as healthy foods go, berries make the top of the list. They contain potent antioxidants, which decrease or reverse the effects of free radicals. Unsurprisingly, the benefits of berries are extoled in one study after another. It is usually the exotic Goji, Acerola or Acai berries that make the headlines as Superfoods, but for the health-savvy European consumer the native homegrown species could be even more alluring.The research suggests that black raspberries grown in Central Europe show greater health benefits than their better known cousins – raspberries or blackberries.

A group of researchers led by Anna Małgorzata Kostecka-Gugała measured the content of phenolics and anthocyanins in black raspberries, red raspberries and blackberries, assessing their antioxidant potential ...

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