blood cancers tagged posts

A good Vitamin D status can Protect against Cancer

Fig. 1
Vitamin D signaling. Production of vitamin D3 and its metabolites 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 (A). VDR (green) binds accessible genomic DNA in complex with a partner protein (RXR or others, blue) (B). VDR’s DNA binding is supported by the pioneer factors PU.1, CEBPA and/or GABPA. The genomic region that can be influenced by 1,25(OH)2D3 (via binding to VDR) is restricted by CTCF proteins defining left and right TAD borders. Schematic representation of a Voronoi tessellation [55] displaying five TAD classes of the most prominently enriched biological processes (C). The most relevant attributes are the number of persistent and transient VDR sites and were chosen for the x and y axis, respectively.

A good vitamin D status is beneficial both in cancer prevention and in the prognosis of sever...

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