blue quasar tagged posts

Astronomers Reveal True Colors of Evolving Galactic Beasts

The percentage of both the full colour-selected (filled markers) and the L6μm−z matched (open markers) samples (using the colour scheme in Fig. 2) with different radio morphologies. The fractions are reported in five categories: faint sources detected near the sensitivity limit (Fpeak < 3 mJy), bright compact radio sources, bright extended radio sources, FR II-like systems, and compact FR IIs (small scale lobe-systems); see Table 4 for more details. The error bars correspond to the 1σ binomial uncertainties and the vertical dash lines separate the different categories. Example 2 arcmin × 2 arcmin FIRST images of each morphological class are illustrated in the top panel. The white circle represents our cross-matching radius of 10 arcsec. Extended radio emission is found among a similar fraction of all quasars, but red quasars show a surfeit of compact and faint systems.
The percentage of both the full colour-selected (filled markers) and the L6μm−z matched (open markers) samples (using the colour scheme in Fig. 2) with different radio morphologies. The fractions are reported in five categories: faint sources detected near the sensitivity limit (Fpeak < 3 mJy), bright compact radio sources, bright extended radio sources, FR II-like systems, and compact FR IIs (small scale lobe-systems); see Table 4 for more details. The error bars correspond to the 1σ binomial uncertainties and the vertical dash lines separate the different categories. Example 2 arcmin Ã— 2 arcmin FIRST images of each morphological class are illustrated in the top panel. The white circle represents our cross-matching radius of 10 arcsec...
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