boolean Pythagorean Triples tagged posts

Computer Generated Math Proof is Largest ever at 200 terabytes


Credit: Victorgrigas/Wikideia/ CC BY-SA 3.0

A trio of researchers has solved a single math problem by using a supercomputer to grind through over a trillion color combination possibilities, and in the process has generated the largest math proof ever—the text of it is 200 terabytes in size.

The math problem has been named the boolean Pythagorean Triples problem and was first proposed back in the 1980’s by mathematician Ronald Graham. In looking at the Pythagorean formula: a2 + b2 = c2, he asked, was it possible to label each a non-negative integer, either blue or red, such that no set of integers a, b and c were all the same color. He offered a reward of $100 to anyone who could solve the problem.

To solve this problem the researchers applied the Cube-and-Conquer paradigm, which is a hyb...

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