Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) tagged posts

Physicists “Slow Down Light” to Just 61 Kilometers per Hour Using Ultracold Quantum Matter

Physicists “Slow Down Light” to Just 61 Kilometers per Hour Using Ultracold Quantum Matter | The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel
Physicists “Slow Down Light” to Just 61 Kilometers per Hour Using Ultracold Quantum Matter | The Daily Galaxy –Great Discoveries Channel© Daily Galaxy UK

The speed of light is often regarded as the ultimate cosmic speed limit, but researchers have now managed to slow it down dramatically—to just 61 kilometers per hour. This was achieved by using a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), a peculiar quantum state of matter that allows light to be slowed or even stopped entirely. This discovery, which builds on decades of research, has implications for quantum physics, computing, and information storage.

The Quantum Jelly Effect
In everyday conditions, light moves at 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum, and its speed decreases slightly when passing through materials like glass or ...

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Quantum Optical Sensor tested in Space for the 1st time, with a Laser System from Berlin

1. MOPA laser module for MAIUS Hybrid-integrated master-oscillator power-amplifier (MOPA) laser module for rubidium precision spectroscopy in space developed by the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut – three of these MOPA modules along with two redundant modules are integrated into the laser system. (© FBH/ 2, MAIUS laser system used to successfully create a Bose-Einstein condensate for the first time in space. It is about as big as a shoe box with a mass of 27 kg. FBH’s laser modules are integrated on the bottom side of the heat sink, the top side houses modules for further processing of the light to be transferred to the main experiment. (© Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

1. MOPA laser module for MAIUS
Hybrid-integrated master-oscillator power-amplifier (MOPA) laser module for rubidium precision spectroscopy in space developed by the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut – three of these MOPA modules along with two redundant modules are integrated into the laser system.
(© FBH/
2, MAIUS laser system
used to successfully create a Bose-Einstein condensate for the first time in space. It is about as big as a shoe box with a mass of 27 kg. FBH’s laser modules are integrated on the bottom side of the heat sink, the top side houses modules for further processing of the light to be transferred to the main experiment.
(© Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

For the 1st time ever, a cloud of ultra-cold atoms has been successfully created in space on board of a soundin...

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