Brain Circuits in the Thalamus tagged posts

Three Distinct Brain Circuits in the Thalamus contribute to Parkinson’s Symptoms

image of the parafascicular (PF) thalamus
Caption: In this image of the parafascicular (PF) thalamus, the blue cells participate in reward processing/depression, the red cells are critical for motor learning, and the green cells are important for general locomotion. The ‘fr’ stands for a fiber bundle.
Credits:Image: Ying Zhang and Dheeraj Roy

Targeting these circuits could offer a new way to reverse motor dysfunction and depression in Parkinson’s patients. In a study of a small region of the thalamus, MIT neuroscientists have now identified three distinct circuits that influence the development of both motor and nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson’s. Furthermore, they found that by manipulating these circuits, they could reverse Parkinson’s symptoms in mice.

The findings suggest that those circuits could be good targets for new d...

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