brain development tagged posts

Scientists discover Unexpected Link between Genes involved in Human Brain Evolution and Developmental Disorders

Scientists discover unexpected link between genes involved in human brain evolution and developmental disorders
A dendrite—an extension of a neuron—from a 12-month-old human cerebral cortex neuron, grown from human stem cells and transplanted into a mouse cerebral cortex. Two human-specific genes, SRGAP2B and SRGAP2C, were turned off, causing the neuron’s synapses to mature faster. The number of small protrusions on the dendrite, called dendritic spines, resembles what is typically seen in a five to ten-year-old child. Credit: Baptiste Libé-Philippot, 2024

The human brain’s remarkably prolonged development is unique among mammals and is thought to contribute to our advanced learning abilities. Disruptions in this process may explain certain neurodevelopmental diseases.

Now, a team of researchers led by Prof...

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Discovery of a New Drug Target could lead to Novel Rx for Severe Autism

 In this composite image, a human nerve cell derived from a patient with Rett syndrome shows significantly decreased levels of KCC2 compared to a control cell. Image: Gong Chen lab, Penn State University

In this composite image, a human nerve cell derived from a patient with Rett syndrome shows significantly decreased levels of KCC2 compared to a control cell.
Image: Gong Chen lab, Penn State University

Penn State University scientists have discovered a novel drug target and have rescued functional deficits in human nerve cells derived from patients with Rett Syndrome, a severe form of autism-spectrum disorder. It could lead to a new treatment for Rett Syndrome and other forms of autism-spectrum disorders, ASD.

“The most exciting part of this research is that it directly uses human neurons that originated from Rett Syndrome patients as a clinically-relevant disease model to investigate the underlying mechanism,” said Dr. Chen...

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