Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst tagged posts

Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst ever observed reveals new Mysteries of Cosmic Explosions

This illustration shows the ingredients of a long gamma-ray burst, the most common type.
Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Scientists believe the gamma-ray emission, which lasted over 300 seconds, is the birth cry of a black hole, formed as the core of a massive and rapidly spinning star collapses under its own weight.

On October 9, 2022, an intense pulse of gamma-ray radiation swept through our solar system, overwhelming gamma-ray detectors on numerous orbiting satellites, and sending astronomers on a chase to study the event using the most powerful telescopes in the world.

The new source, dubbed GRB 221009A for its discovery date, turned out to be the brightest gamma-ray burst (GRB) ever recorded.

In a new study that appears today in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, observations of GRB 221009A spanning from radio waves to gamma-rays, including critica...

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