brown dwarf tagged posts

Scorching Storms on Distant Worlds Revealed

brown dwarf
Artist’s impression of the nearest brown dwarf to Earth. Credit – ESO/I. Crossfield/N. Risinger.

Astronomers have created the most detailed weather report so far for two distant worlds beyond our own solar system. Astronomers have created the most detailed weather report so far for two distant worlds beyond our own solar system.

The international study — the first of its kind — reveals the extreme atmospheric conditions on the celestial objects, which are swathed in swirling clouds of hot sand amid temperatures of 950C.

Using NASA’s powerful James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), researchers set out to capture the weather on a pair of brown dwarfs — cosmic bodies that are bigger than planets but smaller than stars.

These brown dwarfs, named collectively as WISE 1049AB, are the bri...

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Discovery of a Brown Dwarf Hotter than the Sun

Discovery of a space object hotter than the sun
Phased radial-velocity curves of WD 0032−317. a, trailed UVES spectrum for the H𝛼 line of WD 0032−317 (blue represents lower fluxes, and yellow represents higher fluxes), folded over the orbital period (𝑃 = 8340.9090 s). The primary absorption is clearly seen in blue. The emission from the companion (in yellow) appears in anti-phase with the primary, and is visible only from the irradiated day side, between orbital phases ∼ 0.2–0.8. Its “inverted” shape, evident especially near quadrature, is the result of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) effects [40]. b, radial velocity curves (top panel) of the white dwarf (blue circles) and the irradiated companion (red diamonds), folded over the orbital period (𝑃 = 8340.9090 s)...
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Striped or spotted? Winds and Jet Streams found on the closest Brown Dwarf

Using high-precision brightness measurements from NASA’s TESS space telescope, astronomers found that the nearby brown dwarf Luhman 16B’s atmosphere is dominated by high-speed, global winds akin to Earth’s jet stream system. This global circulation determines how clouds are distributed in the brown dwarf’s atmosphere, giving it a striped appearance.Daniel Apai

A University of Arizona-led research team has found bands and stripes on the brown dwarf closest to Earth, hinting at the processes churning the brown dwarf’s atmosphere from within.

Brown dwarfs are mysterious celestial objects that are not quite stars and not quite planets. They are about the size of Jupiter but typically dozens of times more massive...

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In a first, NASA measures Wind Speed on a Brown Dwarf

This artist’s concept shows a brown dwarf, an object that is at least 13 times the mass of Jupiter but not massive enough to begin nuclear fusion in its core, which is the defining characteristic of a star. Scientist using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope recently made the first ever direct measurement of wind on a brown dwarf.

For the first time, scientists have directly measured wind speed on a brown dwarf, an object larger than Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system) but not quite massive enough to become a star. To achieve the finding, they used a new method that could also be applied to learn about the atmospheres of gas-dominated planets outside our solar system.

Described in a paper in the journal Science, the work combines observations by a group of radio telescopes w...

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