TNT dwarf groups. Three colour images of four of the dwarf groups obtained with the Maryland–Magellan Tunable Filter (MMTF) Fabry Perot (Δλ = 10 Å) for dm1049+09 (top left), dm1349-02 (top right) and dm1623+15 (bottom left), and with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (Δλ = 50 Å) for dm1719+30 (bottom right). Red corresponds to Hα, green corresponds to MMTF or Gemini r-band, and blue corresponds to SDSS g-band. Velocities derived from optical spectroscopy are noted for each group member.
Dwarf galaxies, nuggets of stars and gas 100 to 1,000 times smaller than the Milky Way, are thought to be the building blocks of massive galaxies. Evidence for groups of merging dwarf galaxies, however, has been lacking, until now...
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