Bursts of Methane tagged posts

Bursts of Methane may have Warmed early Mars

SEAS researchers suggest that early Mars may have been warmed intermittently by a powerful greenhouse effect, possibly explaining water on the planet's surface billions of years ago. Credit: NASA

SEAS researchers suggest that early Mars may have been warmed intermittently by a powerful greenhouse effect, possibly explaining water on the planet’s surface billions of years ago. Credit: NASA

Findings may help in search for life in the universe. The presence of water on ancient Mars is a paradox. There’s plenty of geographical evidence that rivers periodically flowed across the planet’s surface. Yet in the time period when these waters are supposed to have run – 3 to 4 billion years ago – Mars should have been too cold to support liquid water. Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) suggest that early Mars may have been warmed intermittently by a powerful greenhouse effect...

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