cadmium selenide (CdSe) nanocrystals tagged posts

Researchers show Transfer of Triplet Exciton Energy from Semiconductor Nanocrystals to Surface-bound Molecular Acceptors

Illustration depicting semiconductor nanocrystal to molecule triplet energy transfer and established subsequent reactions. Credit: Image generated by Dr. Cedric Mongin

Illustration depicting semiconductor nanocrystal to molecule triplet energy transfer and established subsequent reactions. Credit: Image generated by Dr. Cedric Mongin

It extends the lifetime of originally prepared excited state by 6 orders of magnitude. This has implications for solar energy conversion to photochemical synthesis to optoelectronics to light therapy for cancer Rx. Excitons are the electron/hole pairs formed in semiconductor nanocrystals upon absorption of light, temporarily storing it as chemical energy. In solar cells, for example, excitons transport energy through the material so that it can be collected and converted into electricity.

In terms of photochemistry, the major drawback to using most semiconductor nanocrystals as photosensitizers lies in their short excited st...

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