caffeine tagged posts

What are ‘Coffee Naps’ and can they help you power through the day?

Just five more minutes … can a coffee before a nap really help you pay back your sleep debt? Credit:

Just five more minutes … can a coffee before a nap really help you pay back your sleep debt? Credit:

Taking a nap is a common way of overcoming your sleepiness and repaying your sleep debt. Drinking coffee can also help us get through the day. In a 1997 study, 12 sleep-deprived people drank the equivalent of one large cup of brewed coffee and 5 minutes later had the chance to nap for 15 minutes. They then did some driving tests in a simulator to check their alertness. Although drinking a coffee (without a nap) helped their driving performance, combining caffeine with a nap (a coffee nap) improved it even further...

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Researchers Affirm Diet can Impact Migraines

Food items to avoid if you have migrains

Food items to avoid if you have migraine

Eliminating that morning coffee consuming processed foods high in nitrites or MSG and enjoying too much alcohol are potential headache triggers for individuals battling migraines, says Vincent Martin, MD, professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine. There are 2 different approaches to preventing headaches with diet. The first approach would be an elimination diet that avoids foods and beverages known to trigger headaches. The second approach would be follow a comprehensive diet whose very composition may prevent headaches, explains Martin, co-director of the Headache and Facial Pain Center at UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute...

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Coffee may Improve Athletic Endurance Performance

Coffee may improve athletic endurance performance, review finds

Simon Higgins is studying caffeine—particularly from coffee—and how it may improve endurance performance. Credit: Peter Frey/UGA

“Previous research has focused on caffeine itself as an aid to improve endurance,” Higgins said. “Coffee is a popular source of caffeine, so this paper looked at the research surrounding its ergogenic benefits.”

More than 600 scholarly articles were screened for those that focused only on caffeinated-coffee conditions, measured the caffeine dose and measured an endurance performance. Of these, 9 randomized control trials specifically used coffee to improve endurance.

Looking at the 9 trials, Higgins found that between 3 and 7 mg/kg of body weight of caffeine from coffee increased endurance performance by an average of 24%...

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