Calcitic shells of the dinoflagellate L. granifera tagged posts

Scientists Transform Algae into Unique Functional Perovskites with Tunable Properties

Calcitic shells of the dinoflagellate L. granifera. A) The calcitic shells of L. granifera exhibiting a porous ultrastructure. B) A single shell of L. granifera. C) Raman spectrum from a single shell confirming its calcitic nature. D) Electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) map and E) a corresponding (0001) pole figure of a single polished shell demonstrating that it consists of single crystalline domains where the c-axis of calcite is pointing radially from the center of the shell outwards. The colors in (E) correlate with similarly colored areas in (D). Scale bars: (A) 50 Âµm, (B) 5 Âµm and (D) is 5 Âµm.

Perovskites are materials that are increasingly popular for a wide range of applications because of their remarkable electrical, optical, and photonic properties...

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