Carbon capture” technologies tagged posts

O2-assisted Al/ CO2 power cell using Electrochemical reactions sequesters CO2 + produces Electricity

This graphic explains novel method for capturing the greenhouse gas and converting it to a useful product -- while producing electrical energy. Credit: Cornell University

This graphic explains novel method for capturing the greenhouse gas and converting it to a useful product — while producing electrical energy. Credit: Cornell University

While the human race will always leave its carbon footprint on the Earth, it must continue to find ways to lessen the impact of its fossil fuel consumption. “Carbon capture” technologies – chemically trapping CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere – is one approach. In a recent study, Cornell University researchers disclose a novel method for capturing the greenhouse gas and converting it to a useful product – while producing electrical energy.

The group’s proposed cell would use aluminum as the anode and mixed streams of CO2 and oxygen as the active ingredients of the cathode...

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