carbon dioxide emissions tagged posts

Engineers develop Near-Zero Emissions Engine Technology

Southwest Research Institute engineers have developed the next generation of clean diesel engine technology to reduce hazardous nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide emissions while minimizing fuel consumption. Working with regulatory agencies, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, SwRI combined engine modifications with integrated aftertreatment technology and control strategies to reach near-zero emissions levels. SwRI developed the technology for the California Air Resources Board (CARB), a state organization charged with combatting air pollution.

“Through the continued efforts of a multidisciplinary team, SwRI has developed one of the most fuel-efficient, low-emission diesel engines in the world,” said SwRI Research Engineer Bryan Zavala, a member of the low NOx development t...

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Earth may be 140 years away from reaching Carbon Levels Not Seen in 56 million years

A model for carbon accumulation over time as the sum of carbon emissions, based on the steady increase in emissions and emission rates since 1959. Red circles are annual accumulations through 2015. If the recent trend in emissions continues, we can expect to reach the minimum estimate for PETM-scale carbon accumulation in the year 2159 and the maximum estimate for PETM-scale carbon accumulation in the year 2278.
Credit: AGU/Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology/Gingerich 2019.

Total human carbon dioxide emissions could match those of Earth’s last major greenhouse warming event in fewer than five generations, new research finds...

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