carbon nanoparticle tagged posts

Candle Soot could be used to power Li ion batteries for plug-in hybrid electric cars


The discovery opens up the possibilities to use carbon in more powerful batteries, driving down the costs of portable power. Lithium ion batteries power many devices, from smartphones and digital cameras all the way up to cars and even aircraft. The batteries work by having 2 electrically charged materials suspended in a liquid to produce a current. Carbon is used as one of those materials in smaller batteries, but for bigger, more powerful batteries – such as those used in electric cars – carbon is not suitable because of its structure, which cannot produce the required current density.

Collecting candle soot from the (a) tip of the flame and (b) middle of the ...

Collecting candle soot from the (a) tip of the flame and (b) middle of the flame. SS current collector (c) before and (d) after deposition of carbon soot.

Dr. Chandra Sharma and Dr...

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