carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) tagged posts

Neutrinos yield first Experimental Evidence of Catalyzed Fusion Dominant in many Stars

Borexino detector. courtesy Borexino Collaboration.
Borexino detector. courtesy Borexino Collaboration.

The CNO energy-production mechanism in the universe is detected. An international team of about 100 scientists of the Borexino Collaboration, including particle physicist Andrea Pocar at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, report in Nature this week detection of neutrinos from the sun, directly revealing for the first time that the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) fusion-cycle is at work in our sun.

The CNO cycle is the dominant energy source powering stars heavier than the sun, but it had so far never been directly detected in any star, Pocar explains.

For much of their life, stars get energy by fusing hydrogen into helium, he adds. In stars like our sun or lighter, this mostly happens through the ‘proton-proton’ chains...

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