cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases tagged posts

How Trans Fats Assist Cell Death

Trans-Fatty acids facilitate DNA damage-induced apoptosis through the mitochondrial JNK-Sab-ROS positive feedback loop
Authors: Yusuke Hirata, Aya Inoue, Saki Suzuki, Miki Takahashi, Ryo Matsui, Nozomu Kono, Takuya Noguchi, and Atsushi Matsuzawa
Journal: Scientific Reports

Tohoku University researchers in Japan have uncovered a molecular link between some trans fats and a variety of disorders, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Their findings, published in the journal Scientific Reports, implicate their role in enhancing a mitochondrial signalling pathway that leads to programmed cell death.

“Accumulating evidence has associated the consumption of trans-fatty acids with various diseases, including some lifestyle d...

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