Cas12a tagged posts

How to make the Gene-Editing tool CRISPR Work even Better

An illustration of how CAS-12A works with DNA. Illustration by Jenna Luecke, University of Texas at Austin

An illustration of how CAS-12A works with DNA. Illustration by Jenna Luecke, University of Texas at Austin

Scientists have found conclusive evidence that Cas9, the most popular enzyme currently used in CRISPR gene editing, is less effective and precise than one of the lesser-used CRISPR proteins, Cas12a. Because Cas9 is more likely to edit the wrong part of a plant’s or animal’s genome, disrupting healthy functions, the scientists make the case that switching to Cas12a would lead to safer and more effective gene editing.

“The overall goal is to find the best enzyme that nature gave us and then make it better still, rather than taking the first one that was discovered through historical accident,” said Ilya Finkelstein, an assistant professor of molecular biosciences and a co-author of the ...

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CRISPR-based Diagnostic Tool Advanced, Miniature Paper Test developed

This is a collection of SHERLOCK paper test strips. (Left) Unused paper strips. (Middle) Paper tests displaying a negative SHERLOCK readout. (Right) Paper tests displaying a positive SHERLOCK readout. Credit: Zhang lab, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

This is a collection of SHERLOCK paper test strips. (Left) Unused paper strips. (Middle) Paper tests displaying a negative SHERLOCK readout. (Right) Paper tests displaying a positive SHERLOCK readout. Credit: Zhang lab, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

100-fold greater sensitivity, ability to detect multiple targets at once, and other improvements provide more power for detecting genetic signatures. The team that first unveiled the rapid, inexpensive, highly sensitive CRISPR-based diagnostic tool called SHERLOCK has greatly enhanced the tool’s power, and has developed a miniature paper test that allows results to be seen with the naked eye – without the need for expensive equipment.

The SHERLOCK team developed a simple paper strip to display test results for a single genetic signature, b...

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