Cervical precancerous lesions tagged posts

Genetically Engineered DNA Vaccine Eradicates High-Grade Precancerous Cervical Lesions in nearly 1/2 of women in clinical trial

DNA Vaccine

The goal was to find nonsurgical ways to treat precancerous lesions caused by HPV. “Every standard therapeutic option for women with these lesions destroys part of the cervix, which is particularly relevant for women of childbearing age, who may then be at risk for preterm birth due to a weakened cervix,” says Prof. Cornelia Trimble, M.D. “A vaccine able to cure precancerous lesions could eventually be one way women can avoid surgery that is invasive and can also harm their fertility.”

High-grade cervical lesions, termed CIN2/3, occur most often in women 40 or younger. Because the lesions can progress to cancer, they are usually removed by surgery, freezing or laser. The procedures are successful in removing the precancerous areas in approximately 80% of women...

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