CFN’s Advanced UV and X-ray Probes Facility tagged posts

Nanoscale Building Blocks and DNA ‘Glue’ Help Shape 3D Architectures


Nanoparticles in the shape of cubes, octahedrons, and spheres coordinate with each other to build structures. The shapes are bound together by complementary DNA molecules on each type of particle. The structures of the resulting 3D crystals are determined by the spatial symmetry of the facets of the cubes and octahedrons, while their structural order depends on DNA-tuned interactions and the ratio of the nanoparticles’ sizes.

APPS: Directional binding for self-assembling materials made of different types of nanoparticles opens up opportunities to design unique materials that could benefit high-density energy storage devices and catalysis, among other applications.

The organization of spherical particles into lattices is typically driven by packing considerations...

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