Chamaeleon I dark cloud tagged posts

2 stars shine through Center of a Ring of Cascading Dust in New Image by Hubble Space Telescope

Two stars shine through the center of a ring of cascading dust

DI Cha star system. Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt Text credit: European Space Agency

Star system is DI Cha, and while only 2 stars are apparent, it is actually a quadruple system containing 2 sets of binary stars. As this is a relatively young star system it is surrounded by dust. The young stars are molding the dust into a wispy wrap. The host of this alluring interaction between dust and star is the Chamaeleon I dark cloud — 1 of 3 such clouds that comprise a large star-forming region known as the Chamaeleon Complex. DI Cha’s juvenility is not remarkable within this region...

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