Chandra X-ray image tagged posts

Scientists Map the Largest Magnetic fields in Galaxy Clusters using Synchrotron Intensity Gradient

Scientists have mapped the largest magnetic fields in galaxy clusters using synchrotron intensity gradient
A high-resolution image of the magnetic field in the El Gordo cluster, including the Chandra X-ray image (blue part of the image), the NASA JWST infrared image (background galaxies of the image), and the measured magnetic fields (streamlines). Credits: Chandra X-ray: NASA/CXC/Rutgers; JWST infrared: NASA/ESA/CSA; Magnetic field lines: Yue Hu.

In a new study, scientists have mapped magnetic fields in galaxy clusters, revealing the impact of galactic mergers on magnetic-field structures and challenging previous assumptions about the efficiency of turbulent dynamo processes in the amplification of these fields.

Galaxy clusters are large, gravitationally bound systems containing numerous galaxies, hot gas, and dark matter...

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