chromodomain tagged posts

Mechanism behind Enzyme Suv39h1 that Tags Unneeded DNA revealed

This is a graphical representation of work investigating the mechanism of Suv39h1 using designer chromatin. Credit: Image provided by the Muir lab

This is a graphical representation of work investigating the mechanism of Suv39h1 using designer chromatin. Credit: Image provided by the Muir lab

Essential DNA packing enzyme relies on 2-step activation to ensure correct genetic organization. For any particular cell, eg skin or brain cell, much of this genetic information is extraneous and must be packed away to allow sufficient space and resources for more important genes. Failure to properly pack DNA jeopardizes the stability of chromosomes and can result in severe diseases. Suv39h1 is one of the main enzymes that chemically mark the irrelevant regions of DNA to be compacted by cellular machinery, but little is known about how it installs its tag.

Scientists at Princeton have used ‘designer chromatin’ templates – highly customized repli...

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