cobalt-phosphorus alloy catalyst tagged posts

Bionic Leaf turns Sunlight into Liquid Fuel

A new "bionic leaf" system uses solar energy to produce liquid fuel. Credit: Courtesy of Jessica Polka/Silver Lab

A new “bionic leaf” system uses solar energy to produce liquid fuel. Credit: Courtesy of Jessica Polka/Silver Lab

New system surpasses efficiency of photosynthesis. Prof Nocera, and Prof Silver of Harvard University, have co-created a system that uses solar energy to split water molecules and hydrogen-eating bacteria to produce liquid fuels. “This is a true artificial photosynthesis system,” Nocera said. “Before, people were using artificial photosynthesis for water-splitting, but this is a true A-to-Z system, and we’ve gone well over the efficiency of photosynthesis in nature.”

While the study shows the system can be used to generate usable fuels, its potential doesn’t end there...

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