cognitive impairment tagged posts

Higher Levels of Leptin indicate Brain Protection against Late-life Dementia

An image of obesity-overweight: A donut with a waist tape
Weight-maintaining hormone key to brain-signal transmission
Contact: Steven Lee, (210) 450-3823,

Weight-maintaining hormone key to brain-signal transmission. A study more closely links obesity to dementia, finding that leptin, a hormone that helps maintain normal body weight, is associated with better signal-transmitting brain white matter in middle-aged adults.

New research is more closely linking obesity to dementia.

Higher levels of leptin, a hormone that helps maintain normal body weight, is associated with better signal-transmitting brain white matter in middle-aged adults, according to a study by The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio).

“The findings support the known role of leptin variations in late-life d...

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Mars-bound astronauts face Chronic Dementia Risk from galactic cosmic Ray exposure

Will astronauts traveling to Mars remember much of it? Credit: © cosmicvue / Fotolia: Elements of this image furnished by NASA

Will astronauts traveling to Mars remember much of it? Credit: © cosmicvue / Fotolia: Elements of this image furnished by NASA

Will astronauts traveling to Mars remember much of it? That’s the question concerning University of California, Irvine scientists probing a phenomenon called “space brain.” UCI’s Charles Limoli and colleagues found that exposure to highly energetic charged particles – much like those found in the galactic cosmic rays that will bombard astronauts during extended spaceflights – causes significant long-term brain damage in test rodents, resulting in cognitive impairments and dementia.

“This is not positive news for astronauts deployed on a 2-3 year round trip to Mars,” said Prof Limoli, UCI’s School of Medicine...

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