cold gases tagged posts

Cold Gas Pipelines Feeding Early, Massive Galaxies

Graphic illustrating detection of a cold gas accretion stream in absorption
Researchers led by the University of Iowa have detected cosmic pipelines supplying the cold gases necessary for the formation of massive galaxies and the creation of stars. It is the first direct observational evidence of the phenomenon in the early universe. Image courtesy of Hai Fu.

Researchers have detected cosmic pipelines supplying the cold gases necessary for the formation of massive galaxies and the creation of stars. It is the first direct observational evidence of the phenomenon in the early universe.

To come into being, galaxies need a steady diet of cold gases to undergo gravitational collapse. The larger the galaxy, the more cold gas it needs to coalesce and to grow.

Massive galaxies found in the early universe needed a lot of cold gas — a store totaling as much as 10...

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Scientists observe Supermassive Black Hole feeding on Cold Gas

Deep in the heart of the Abell 2597 Brightest Cluster Galaxy, astronomers see a small cluster of giant gas clouds raining in on the central black hole, as illustrated in this artist concept image. Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF; D. Berry/SkyWorks; ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

Deep in the heart of the Abell 2597 Brightest Cluster Galaxy, astronomers see a small cluster of giant gas clouds raining in on the central black hole, as illustrated in this artist concept image. Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF; D. Berry/SkyWorks; ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

Findings suggest 2 dining styles for black holes. For the first time, astronomers have detected billowy clouds of cold, clumpy gas streaming toward a black hole, at the center of a massive galaxy cluster. The clouds are traveling at up to 355km/s and may be only 150 light years away from its edge, almost certain to fall into the black hole. The observations represent the first direct evidence to support the hypothesis that black holes feed on clouds of cold gas...

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Mysterious Behavior of Quantum Liquid Elucidated, a World 1st

Left: In a single particle system, the behavior of the particle is well understood by solving the Schrödinger equation. Here the particle possesses wave nature characterized by the de Broglie wave length. Right: In a many particle system, on the other hand, the particles interact each other in a quantum mechanical way and behave as if they are "liquid". This is called quantum liquid whose properties are very different from that of the single particle case. Credit: Image courtesy of Osaka University

Left: In a single particle system, the behavior of the particle is well understood by solving the Schrödinger equation. Here the particle possesses wave nature characterized by the de Broglie wave length. Right: In a many particle system, on the other hand, the particles interact each other in a quantum mechanical way and behave as if they are “liquid”. This is called quantum liquid whose properties are very different from that of the single particle case. Credit: Image courtesy of Osaka University

Researchers, through precise measurement of current fluctuations in quantum liquids in an artificial atom created by nanotechnology, succeeded in elucidating theoretically-predicted behavior of quantum liquid in a non-equilibrium regime...

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