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Young Jupiter was Smacked Head-on by massive Newborn Planet

A rendering shows the effect of a major impact on the core of a young Jupiter, as suggested by scientists at Rice and Sun Yat-sen universities. They say the collision about 4.5 billion years ago could explain surprising readings from NASA’s Juno spacecraft. Illustration by Shang-Fei Liu/Sun Yat-sen University

Jupiter’s core may still be reeling from collision 4.5 billion years ago. A colossal, head-on collision between Jupiter and a still-forming planet in the early solar system, about 4.5 billion years ago, could explain surprising readings from NASA’s Juno spacecraft, according to a study this week in the journal Nature.

Astronomers from Rice University and China’s Sun Yat-sen University say their head-on impact scenario can explain Juno’s previously puzzling gravitational rea...

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