colon cancer tagged posts

‘Cancer-Cooling’ Protein puts Bowel Cancer on Ice

digestive system
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

A protein in the immune system can be manipulated to help overcome bowel cancer, according to new research from The Australian National University (ANU). The research is published in Science Advances.

Bowel cancer claims more than 100 lives in Australia each week, yet around 90% of cases can be successfully treated if detected early.

According to lead author Dr. Abhimanu Pandey, from ANU, the protein, known as Ku70, can be activated or “turned on” like a light switch by using a combination of new and existing drugs.

“In its activated state, the protein acts like a surveillance system, detecting signs of damaged DNA in our cells,” Dr. Pandey said.

“DNA is the genetic code of life...

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Dietary Change Starves Cancer Cells, Overcoming Treatment Resistance

Blue green cell microscopic amino
Green staining shows mTORC1 is significantly increased due to disruption in GATOR1 in a mouse model of colon cancer. Credit: Sumeet Solanki, Ph.D.

Laboratory research finds a low-protein diet can enhance standard treatment for colon cancer. A dietary change could be a key to enhancing colon cancer treatment, a new study from the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center finds.

Cancer cells need nutrients to survive and grow. One of the most important nutrient sensing molecules in a cell is called mTORC1. Often called a master regulator of cell growth, it allows cells to sense different nutrients and thereby grow and proliferate. When nutrients are limited, cells dial down nutrient sensing cascade and turn off mTORC1.

While mTORC1 is known to be hyperactive in colon cancer, the k...

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New Study Links Moderate Alcohol Use with Higher Cancer Risk

One in four new breast cancers and one in five colon cancers in Canada attributed to alcohol. A new study from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), published in the journal Lancet Oncology, has found an association between alcohol and a substantially higher risk of several forms of cancer, including breast, colon, and oral cancers. Increased risk was evident even among light to moderate drinkers (up to two drinks a day), who represented 1 in 7 of all new cancers in 2020 and more than 100,000 cases worldwide.

In Canada, alcohol use was linked to 7,000 new cases of cancer in 2020, including 24 per cent of breast cancer cases, 20 per cent of colon cancers, 15 per cent of rectal cancers, and 13 per cent of oral and liver cancers.

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A good Vitamin D status can Protect against Cancer

Fig. 1
Vitamin D signaling. Production of vitamin D3 and its metabolites 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 (A). VDR (green) binds accessible genomic DNA in complex with a partner protein (RXR or others, blue) (B). VDR’s DNA binding is supported by the pioneer factors PU.1, CEBPA and/or GABPA. The genomic region that can be influenced by 1,25(OH)2D3 (via binding to VDR) is restricted by CTCF proteins defining left and right TAD borders. Schematic representation of a Voronoi tessellation [55] displaying five TAD classes of the most prominently enriched biological processes (C). The most relevant attributes are the number of persistent and transient VDR sites and were chosen for the x and y axis, respectively.

A good vitamin D status is beneficial both in cancer prevention and in the prognosis of sever...

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