compact computer memory tagged posts

Paving the way to Extremely Fast, Compact Computer Memory

Illustration showing two corkscrew-shaped lines twisting in opposite directions, rising up out of a layer of small spheres that represent atoms, each with an arrow pointing in the direction of a feature called its magnetic moment
When researchers irradiate a thin layer of nickel iodide with an ultrafast laser pulse, corkscrew-shaped features called “chiral helical magnetoelectric oscillations” arise. These features could be useful for a range of applications, including fast, compact computer memories. Image: Ella Maru Studio.

Researchers have demonstrated that the layered multiferroic material nickel iodide (NiI2) may be the best candidate yet for devices such as magnetic computer memory that are extremely fast and compact. Specifically, they found that NiI2 has greater magnetoelectric coupling than any known material of its kind.

For decades, scientists have been studying a group of unusual materials called multiferroics that could be useful for a range of applications including computer memory, chemica...

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