Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) tagged posts

Sleeping Supermassive Black Holes Awakened briefly by Shredded Stars

An illustration of the formation of CSOs.
This illustration shows how Compact Symmetric Objects, or CSOs, likely form. When a single, massive star wanders too close to a black hole (left), it is devoured. This causes the black hole to shoot out an ultrafast, bipolar jet (center). The jet extends outward and its hot ends glow with radio emissions (right).Credit: B. Saxton/NRAO/AUI/NSF

Radio observations of Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) provide new window on black holes. Astronomers have concluded that an obscure class of galaxies known as Compact Symmetric Objects, or CSOs, are not young as previously thought but rather lead relatively short lives.

A new investigation into an obscure class of galaxies known as Compact Symmetric Objects, or CSOs, has revealed that these objects are not entirely what they seem...

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